Pet Poison Prevention: Understanding Chocolate Toxicity in Pets

The delicious aroma of chocolate can be difficult for many people to resist and pets are no different. However, chocolate can be toxic to pets and may cause death in some cases. It is not uncommon for pets to sneak some of this sweet treat. In fact, in 2020 chocolate was the fourth most common pet toxin reported by the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center with approximately 76 cases reported daily. OurAnimal Emergency Care team wants pet owners to understand the dangers of chocolate and what to do if your pet accidentally becomes poisoned.
What to Expect at the Emergency Vet: 5 Common Pet Owner Questions Answered

An illness or accident can happen with your pet at any time, and it can be stressful and frightening to see them in pain. Your pet is family and making decisions can be challenging when their health is concerned. However, responding quickly and calmly to a pet emergency is your best insurance for a positive outcome. Pet emergencies such as being hit by a car or ingesting a toxin require immediate veterinary care, but most family veterinarians are not available during evening hours. Fortunately, our Animal Emergency Care team is available 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. We understand the stress pet owners face with an injured or sick pet, and we have answers to some common questions about what to expect if your pet requires a veterinary emergency hospital visit.