Does Your Dog Need A Leptospirosis Vaccine?

Outdoor adventures with your favorite furry pal require planning and preparation to ensure you have all the necessary supplies to stay safe and have fun. You may need specialized leashes or harnesses with packs for your dog to carry their water bowls and snacks when you head outdoors with your pup. You will also need to ensure your dog has their core vaccinations such as rabies and distemper that will protect them from wildlife and other canine friends. Your family veterinarian may also recommend non-core vaccinations such as leptospirosis. Our Animal Emergency Care team dives deep into leptospirosis to ensure you understand why your veterinarian may recommend this important vaccine.
Canine Parvovirus: A Deadly Threat

Canine parvovirus instills fear in every puppy owner, as it should. This deadly disease is responsible for a serious illness and sometimes death in the most vulnerable pets—puppies who have not yet developed strong immunity. Although dogs of any age can contract the virus, puppies are at highest risk. Learn more about this devastating disease, how to recognize the signs, and how to protect your dog.